School assembly strengthens the way a school works. It is conducted with a complete and active participation of the students, and the teachers
A school parliament provides an opportunity for students to be involved in school governance and decision making through a group of democratically elected members.
Boarding at GIS is a great way to take advantage of all that the school has to offer, both from an academic point of view as well as numerous clubs and activities offer after school days.
We envision a global knowledge village where the students emerging from the hallowed hallways of GEM International School are exemplary ideals of global excellence.
It works on the belief that a personal interaction between parents, the prospective learner and the school’s authorized representatives is of far greater value than any conventional admission method.
Our online enrolment admission process is paperless as a small step towards our environmental responsibility.
Offline enrolment happens in person at school on your convenience. It’s meeting to help you understand Us and its learning environment.
Our programmes and qualifications lead seamlessly from primary through to secondary and pre-university years.
Gem International School is a K-12 co-educational International Day School with a view to offering world-class educational opportunities in the city of Kannur.
Collection of our proud moments captured in a frame.
Know more about Cambridge International Education through GEM International School!
1. Educational Facilities :We envision a global knowledge village where the students emerging from the hallowed hallways of GEM International School are exemplary ideals of global excellence.
2. Co Curricular :It is mandatory for all students to participate in co curricular activities as part of regular Time Table. We offer a wide variety of co-curricular activities.
3. School Parliament :A school parliament provides an opportunity for students to be involved in school governance and decision making through a group of democratically elected members.
4. Assembly : School assembly strengthens the way a school works. It is conducted with a complete and active participation of the students, and the teachers.
5. Hostel Facilities :Boarding at GIS is a great way to take advantage of all that the school has to offer, both from an academic point of view as well as numerous clubs and activities offer after school days. The environment at the school motivates and inspires students to discover more and the world around then, and evolves into leader of tomorrow in the community and a broader global content.
6. Other Amenities :The GIS Academic Calendar encompasses the details of Working Days, Holidays and Important Dates like Exam, Sports etc.
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