Admissions are open now to various classes for the academic year 2025-2026. You can mail us on

Rules & Regulation

The Attendance

We stress the importance of regular attendance at school. Ensure that your child is regular & punctual.

In the event of the student being late to school or absent from school, the absence record must be filled in and sent, upon his/her return to school. We urge parents to have all absences documented in the School Handbook. If a student needs to be away from school for an extended period (for more than 2-3 days), a request letter from the parent/guardian prior to the absence is required.

The school does not encourage the children to be taken early or brought late to the school. In case it is unavoidable, the parent must make a note to the class teacher. While taking a child early from the school, a gate pass should be collected from the class teacher.

Health & Hygiene

Students must either have a wholesome breakfast or carry sufficient snack with them. Kindly ensure that you send a heavy snack (sandwiches, chapattis, fruits etc.) that would serve a substantial meal till the child reaches home for lunch. Please refrain from sending snacks like biscuits, chips etc only. An empty stomach is harmful to their physical as well as intellectual growth. The same would apply when students stay back after school for classes or activities.

Parents are requested to inform the school, if the child is unwell. In the event of contagious diseases, parents are advised to keep the child at home. Do ensure that your child carries an umbrella/raincoat to school during the monsoon.

First aid is given at the school to deal with bumps and bruises, aches and pain, coughs and sniffles. The student may avail of the sick room in such cases. However, we would contact the parent/guardian, if the child needs more medical attention and needs to go home early. If the student needs to carry medication to school please ensure that a note with regard to the same is included in the handbook without fail.

Medical Asssistance

In case your child needs to have any medicine during school, you must specify the dosage and time for administration in the Handbook. The medicine that is sent must be wrapped in a cover and stapled on to the handbook and if it is a bottle, it has to be handed over to the supporting staff on the morning bus and NOT KEPT IN THE CHILD’S BAG.

It is advisable to keep the teacher informed about problems such as an illness or any other complication your child may have. If your child is ill, we urge you to keep him/her at home where rest will bring a quick and complete recovery.

In case of any emergency that may occur at school, we will get in touch with the parent after giving First Aid and seek their advice on further course of action. If illness/injury merit immediate attention, the child will be taken to a medical practitioner and given appropriate medical help before the information is passed on.

Happy Birthdays

Children are naturally proud of their growth and development. Hence their birthdays are acknowledged during the assembly. In order to help the child to understand the importance of sharing, they are allowed to gift books or donate books to the library.

The Transportation

Students travelling by the school transport are under the supervision of the bus driver and the attendant. The driver and the attendant have the authority to enforce the regulations laid down for conduct. Disorderly conduct or refusal to follow the directions will be sufficient reason for the withdrawal of the student’s use of school transport by the school authorities. Children should be escorted to and from the school by authorized persons only.

Student coming to school by their own transport must reach in time for the assembly. Students are not allowed to come to school driving vehicles, even if they have a driving license. Bicycles are permitted. Students who require a change in the bus route for a day or more must inform the class teacher and get the bus pass issued.

Drivers of students commuting to school by their own transport (autos, cars, vans, etc.) and authorized persons escorting the students to school will be issued an entry pass to enter the school premises which must be available on demand. In the event of a change of driver/vehicle, please see that the entry pass is available on demand. This is in the safety and interest of your child.

School timings should be strictly adhered to. The morning assembly begins at 09:00 am.

Dress Code

All the students should wear the prescribed uniform. Parents must ensure that their children come to school neatly dressed and maintains the dress code prescribed for him/her. Shoes must be clean and neatly polished. Girls should wear black buckled shoes and school socks. Boys should wear black laced shoes and school socks.

Students are not permitted to:

  • A) Colour their hair.
  • B) Grow/varnish their nails.
  • c) Shave their head.

  • In the event of the same, the parent/guardian must send a note to the class teacher. Boys must have their hair cut regularly. Boys who need to wear turbans are permitted to wear only black or white ones. Girls must tie their hair neatly using black or white hair bands/ribbons/clips only. Girls must wear slips or tights as part of their daily school uniform. Uniform skirt/pinafore for girls must be of knee length. Track suit uniform on Wednesday is compulsory for all students.

    Gold ornaments other than a small ear stud for girls are not permitted.

    If any student comes in improper uniform, it will be dealt with a warning at first and later with disciplinary action. Fines may be enforced in the case of regular defaulters. On days that students are permitted to wear casual clothes, do ensure that they are suitably attired for school. Dress and department speak values for the student and the institution.

    Fee Structure

    All dues shall be billed in advance and they should be paid in time. There are four sessions in a year and fee should be paid on a session basis. Payments not made in time will attract a late fee of Rs.500.

    Session Payment date without fine Payment date with a late fee of Rs.500/-
    Monsoon Session Before 10th June 11th June to 30th Jun
    Spring Session Before 10th August 11th Aug to 31st Aug
    Winter Session Before 10th October 11th Oct to 30th Oct
    Summer Session Before 10th December 11th Dec to 27 Dec

    Students can be debarred from appearing the internal as well as external examinations, if they fail to clear their dues. Achievement Cards can be withheld till all dues are satisfactorily cleared. No reductions in tuition fees or other fee will be made for any absences by the student. All fee receipts need to be kept by the student and produced any or all of them when required by the school.

    All payments made to the school, except caution deposit is non-refundable. Student appearing for the International exams have to pay the prescribed fees by the University.

    Leave Policy

    Every Student is expected to be present in school from the first day of each term till the last day of the term. Students will not be granted leave while the school is in session. Students will not be permitted to extend their holidays beyond those listed in the school calendar. The Following exemptions may be granted:

    Death, life threatening illness or accident to the immediate family (father, mother, brother, sister) Students own serious illness, determined after consultation with the School Doctor/family physician records. Student taking competitive or entrance examinations. Other emergencies as determined by the principal at the time.

    In an emergency, Parent/Guardian will have to take the prior permission of the principal and also the respective House Parent in case of boarders. When a student is absent from school, his/her parent should call the school by 10am on the day of absence and the student must get an entry in his/her diary’s leave record from the parent, stating the cause and exact date(s) of the absence upon returning to school. Absence by students without prior permission will be treated as a violation and subjected to penalty. All work missed during an absence must be made up. It is the student’s responsibility to approach the respective teachers for missed assignments. Any absence will affect a student’s academic grade.

    Displinary Action

    Violation of any of the school rules will entail disciplinary action in the following stages.

    • 1st Stage Verbal warning.
    • 2nd Stage Intimation to the parents by the teacher.
    • 3rd Stage Meeting of the teacher with the parent.
    • 4th Stage Meeting of the parent or guardian with the principal.
    • Further offences will be dealt with severely through suspension or dismissal.